Future Data Driven FDD 2023 Logo

Future Data driven 2023


About The Event


About The Event FDD 2023 Logo

Future Data Driven is a marquee, online event focusing on the comprehensive Microsoft Data Platform. Our mission is to inform and update attendees with Data & AI, DevOps & DataOps, PowerBI & Visualization, Integration & Automation and cloud infrastructure. We are excited to welcome you to participate at our free first ever Future Data Driven online event.


Online Virtual Event

Code of conducts


27 September, 2023

For more details, scroll to the Sessions schedule section

How to join a session

  1. Scroll down to find the session that you wish to attend.
  2. Find the room that the session is in.
  3. Click on the link below that corresponds to that room.

Join the conference team on Teams!

A conference is more than just a series of lectures - it’s an opportunity to connect with peers, engage with speakers and the conference team, participate in discussions and activities. The Future Data Driven 2023 Conference team is available to provide support before and during the event, and to facilitate engagement through channels for fun, jokes, swag, and more. Join the team to say hello, get support if needed before and during the event, check the fun channel for jokes, swags and other activities. https://communityselfadd.azurewebsites.net/GuestAdd/ZTNiZTdjYmEtMjI0ZS00ZDc3LWIzODEtMGQ1OWVkYTZhZWY0


Event Speakers

Key Speakers

Speaker 16
Speaker 16
Speaker 16

Over 90 speakers submitted nearly 200 sessions. In the coming days, we will review all submissions and select the most outstanding ones for inclusion in the conference schedule. Stay tuned for the full list of speakers.

Sessions schedule

Each virtual room name is a link that takes you to the live meeting session you wish to attend. In order to join a session, (1) Scroll down to find the session that you wish to attend. (2) Find the room that the session is in. and (3) click the link of the room to join - this will open Teams windows. Note that you can join using Teams desktop app or using the browser. If you have any issue then try to use incognito mode (private mode) of the browser/

Board Organizer

Our goal is to bring you the best content. Be part of the team by sharing this event with your peers.

Speaker 16

Jean Joseph

Founder & Co-Organizer

Speaker 16

Ronen Ariely

Principal Organizer

Speaker 16

Jaimie Fox

Conference advisor

Speaker 16

Edward Pollack


Speaker 16

Anna-Maria Wykes


Speaker 16

Kevin Wilkie



A successful conference of this scale requires a dedicated team. The planning for the Future Data Driven Summit began more than six months in advance, and we recruited community members to join our event team and assist with various tasks three months prior to the conference. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the team members who have contributed to the success of this event. Thank you for your hard work and dedication! 😊

Speaker 16

Surbhi Pokharna

Speaker 16

Angela Henry

Speaker 16

Deepthi Goguri

Speaker 16

Maria Zakourdaev

Speaker 16

Ariel Korniansky

Speaker 16

Roja Boina

Speaker 16

Saeid Hasani

Speaker 16

Yitzhak David

Speaker 16

Brian Bønk Rueløkke

Speaker 16

Solar Zhu

Speaker 16

Henry Orlando Clavo

Speaker 16

Paresh Motiwala

Speaker 16

Pablo Moreno

Speaker 16

Javier Villegas

Speaker 16

Thomas Grohser

Speaker 16

Kevin Kline

Speaker 16



Click to Become a sponsor
We need your help to make this event a success. Your donation will help us cover the costs of organizing this event and provide giveaways for our participants. We have assembled a few sponsorship plans that you can select from.