Community & User Group Board Members

Jean Joseph
Founder & Secondary Co-Admin

Ronen Ariely
Primary Co-Admin

Anna-Maria Wykes
Moderator & Event organizer

Deepthi Goguri
Event organizer
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Future Data Driven is a marquee, online event focusing on the comprehensive Microsoft Data Platform. Our mission is to inform and update attendees with Data & AI, DevOps & DataOps, PowerBI & Visualization, Integration & Automation and cloud infrastructure. We are excited to welcome you to participate at our free first ever Future Data Driven online event. For more details, move to the summit page
Online Virtual Event
Not Scheduled Yet
A conference is more than a collection of lectures. It's a gathering place to meet your peers; We welcome you to chat with participates, meet the speakers and join the conference team at the conference team.
Founder & Secondary Co-Admin
Primary Co-Admin
Moderator & Event organizer
Event organizer